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Networking Candidate Projects
Project | Partners | Inputs to LIFE DIMITRA |
H2020, WASTE-7-2015, 2016-2019: NoAW, No Agro-Waste: Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets | NTUA, UNIVR via INNOVEN | Expertise on pilot demonstration actions for the bioconversion of agrowaste to biobased products Practical experience of existing technology for biofertiliser production (know-how transfer), market potential of biofertiliser production. Regulatory framework on EU-level |
LIFE11 ENV/GR/000949, 2012-2015, Waste2Bio, Development and demonstration of an innovative method of converting waste into bioethanol | NTUA | Expertise on pilot scale demonstration actions for the bioconversion of source separated biowaste material to bioethanol. Sustainability assessment throughout the value chain |
LIFE18 CCM/GR/001180, 2019-2023, LIFE CIRCforBIO, A circular economy system for multi-source biomass conversion to added value products | NTUA | Expertise on pre-industrial demonstration actions for the bioconversion of waste biomass to bio-products. Sustainability assessment throughout the value chain Expertise on the development and operation of web platforms that link various stakeholders of the bioeconomy supply chain offering a common vocabulary which can lead to a net-building enabling the creation of synergies between them. |
LIFE12 ENV/CY/000544,2013-2016 LIVE-WASTE, Sustainable management of livestock waste for the removal/recovery of nutrients | NTUA, UNIVR | Expertise on the development, demonstration, optimization and evaluation of an innovative, combined system in which agrowaste becomes a source of energy (through anaerobic digestion), nutrients (recovery of phosphorous from liquid part of digestate) soil fertiliser (production of compost from the solid part of digestate) and reusable effluent (through biological treatment of the anaerobic supernatant by the SBR) |
LIFE10 ENV/GR/000610, 2011-2015, ISWM-TINOS, Development and implementation of a demonstration system on Integrated Solid Waste Management for Tinos in line with the Waste Framework Directive LIFE10 ENV/GR/000605, 2011-2014, ATHENS-BIOWASTE, Integrated management of bio-waste in Greece – The case study of Athens LIFE-3rd Countries, 2006-2008, MOROCOMP, Design and Application of an Innovative Composting Unit for the Effective Treatment of Sludge and other Biodegradable Organic Waste in Morocco | NTUA | Expertise on the design, development, operation and evaluation of composting units including the use of additives (e.g. zeolite, perlite) and bulking agents (agrowaste, sawdust etc) |
AFTERLIFE (745737, BBI 2016); Advanced Filtration TEchnologies for the Recovery and Later conversIon of relevant Fractions from wastEwater RESURBIS (H2020, CIRC-05-2016); REsources from URban BIo-waSte BIOGASMENA (Eranet Med): Demonstration of dry fermentation and optimization of biogas technology for rural communities in the MENA region | UNIVR | Skills and expertise in agrowaste, foodwaste and wastewater valorisation through innovative technologies enhancing the demonstration phase of the project. |
ERA-NET Bioenergy, Joint Call 8, 2015-2018: Integrated biorefinery concepts. Cradle to cattle. Closing nutrient cycles on farm. | INS | Expertise (a) on the demonstration of AD digestate valorisation, nutrients recovery, limit water and soil contamination, primary resources (N,P,K) savings, GHG limitations. (b) on the development of new fertilisers from manure (e.g. struvite, ammonium sulfate, struvite based fertilisers). |
BECOOL (744821, H2020 LCE-22-2016); Brazil-EU Cooperation for Development of Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels MAGIC (727698, H2020, RUR-07-2016): Marginal lands for growing industrial crops | CRES | Expertise in field trials, studying the effect of several crop rotation schemes on the crop growth and yields (wheat, maize, hemp, sunn hemp, sorghum and kenaf). |