Break-Even Consoulting Ike (BREAK)

Break Even Consulting (BREAK EVEN) is a leading technical consulting company, with many years of experience in consulting services, as well as in the preparation of technical studies covering a wide range of fields. The company employs qualified and experienced personnel and provides its high-quality services to the public and private sector, organizations, research institutions and universities, as well as businesses.

Its main objective is to impact sustainable growth, well-being of society, and profitability opportunities through knowledge transfer. The services of Break Even Consulting are summarized in five main sectors: a) Preparing studies in the field of engineering and economics (Environmental, Technical, Techno- economic, Feasibility, and other financial/ socio-economic analyses), b) Consulting services in the field of strategic planning and entrepreneurship, c) Consulting services in the field of environment, waste management, water resources and improved products, optimizing production processes and integrating technological innovations, aiming at solving technical problems, d) Sustainability studies and footprint assessments, e) Designing and implementing co-financed European and national research and innovation projects.